Anonymous Wireless Address Matching for Traffic Information
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* Compare the same segment for different dates or different segments for the same dates.
Same segment for different dates
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Travel Time
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FM-107 Eastbound from FM-317 to FM-2113
FM-107 Eastbound from FM-2113 to I-35
FM-107 Westbound from FM-2113 to FM-317
FM-107 Westbound from I-35 to FM-2113
FM-1670 Northbound from S End of Dam to US-190
FM-1670 Northbound from FM-2484 to S End of Dam
FM-1670 Southbound from US-190 to S End of Dam
FM-1670 Southbound from S End of Dam to FM-2484
FM-1858 Eastbound from FM-933 to FM-3149
FM-1858 Eastbound from FM-3149 to I-35
FM-1858 Westbound from I-35 to FM-3149
FM-1858 Westbound from FM-3149 to FM-933
FM-2113 Northbound from FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd) to Old Temple Highway
FM-2113 Northbound from Old Temple Highway to I-35
FM-2113 Northbound from FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd) to LW Hatter Trail
FM-2113 Northbound from FM-107 to LW Hatter Trail
FM-2113 Southbound from Old Temple Highway to FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd)
FM-2113 Southbound from I-35 to Old Temple Highway
FM-2113 Southbound from LW Hatter Trail to FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd)
FM-2113 Southbound from LW Hatter Trail to FM-2117 Southbound at FM-107
FM-2484 Eastbound from FM-1670 to I-35
FM-2484 Westbound from I-35 to FM-1670
FM-2837 Eastbound from Evelyn Dr to US-77 Eastbound at FM-3148
FM-2837 Eastbound from Evelyn Dr to US-77
FM-2837 Northbound from FM-2113 to US-84
FM-2837 Southbound from FM-2113 to I-35 Southbound at FM-2837 (MM 322)
FM-2837 Southbound from US-84 to FM-2113
FM-2837 Westbound from US-77 to Evelyn Dr
FM-308 Eastbound from Old Leroy Rd to FM-2311
FM-308 Eastbound from FM-933 to Old Leroy Rd
FM-308 Northbound from FM-2311 to FM-2114
FM-308 Northbound from FM-2114 to SH-171
FM-308 Southbound from SH-171 to FM-2114
FM-308 Southbound from FM-2114 to FM-2311
FM-308 Westbound from FM-2311 to Old Leroy Rd
FM-308 Westbound from Old Leroy Rd to FM-933
FM-3148 Eastbound from I-35 to US-77
FM-3148 Westbound from US-77 to I-35
FM-317 Northbound from Franklin Rd to FM-107
FM-317 Northbound from SH-36 to Franklin Rd
FM-317 Northbound from FM-107 to Schmidt Ln
FM-317 Northbound from Schmidt Ln to US-84
FM-317 Southbound from Schmidt Ln to FM-107
FM-317 Southbound from US-84 to Schmidt Ln
FM-317 Southbound from Franklin Rd to SH-36
FM-317 Southbound from FM-107 to Franklin Rd
FM-933 Northbound from FM-308 to FM-1858
FM-933 Northbound from US-84 to Loop-340
FM-933 Northbound from Loop-340 to FM-308
FM-933 Southbound from FM-1858 to FM-308
FM-933 Southbound from Loop-340 to US-84
FM-933 Southbound from FM-308 to Loop-340
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-1604 North (MM 172) to New Braunfels South (MM 182)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from New Braunfels South (MM 182) to Conrads Rd (MM 193)
I-35 Northbound from Conrads Rd (MM 193) to Wonder World Dr (MM 203)
I-35 Northbound from Wonder World Dr (MM 203) to River Ridge Parkway (MM 208)
I-35 Northbound from River Ridge Parkway (MM 208) to Kyle (MM 213)
I-35 Northbound from Kyle (MM 213) to Buda (MM 222)
I-35 Northbound from Buda (MM 222) to Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to Riverside Dr (MM 234)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from Riverside Dr (MM 234) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Northbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Northbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Airport Blvd (MM 238)
I-35 Northbound from Airport Blvd (MM 238) to US-183/US-290 (MM 240)
I-35 Northbound from US-183/US-290 (MM 240) to Braker Ln (MM 243)
I-35 Northbound from Braker Ln (MM 243) to Parmer Ln (MM 246)
I-35 Northbound from Parmer Ln (MM 246) to SH-45 (MM 250)
I-35 Northbound from SH-45 (MM 250) to US-79 (MM 253)
I-35 Northbound from US-79 (MM 253) to FM-1431 (MM 256)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1431 (MM 256) to SH-29 (MM 260)
I-35 Northbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Loop 340-North
I-35 Northbound from SH-29 (MM 260) to SH-195 (MM 266)
I-35 Northbound from SH-29 (MM 260) to SH-130 Southbound at FM-971
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Loop-340 Northbound at Old Robinson Road
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to FM-2113 Northbound at Old Lorena Rd
I-35 Northbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to Berger
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from Las Casas to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to New Road (MM 332)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from New Road (MM 332) to Valley Mills (MM 333)
I-35 Northbound from Valley Mills (MM 333) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from US-77 (MM 336) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from US-84 (MM 337) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Craven (MM 340)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Craven (MM 340)
I-35 Northbound from Craven (MM 340) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Loop-363 Northbound at I-35 South Frontage Road
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to 13th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from US-84 (MM 337) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Stassney Ln (MM 230) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to University Parks (MM 336)
I-35 Northbound from University Parks (MM 336) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Berger
I-35 Northbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Berger (MM 305)
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from Prairie Dell (MM 280) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Ross (MM 346) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Las Casas
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Berger (MM 305)
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to Loop-363 Northbound at I-35 South Frontage Road
I-35 Northbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Loop-340 Northbound at Old Robinson Road
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from County Road 3111 (MM 362) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Northbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to I-35E Northbound at I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35 Northbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to I-35E Northbound at I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to US-77 (MM 336)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2115 (MM 282) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Northbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to Prairie Dell (MM 280)
I-35 Northbound from Prairie Dell (MM 280) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2115 (MM 282) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Northbound from Amity (MM 287) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Northbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Behrens Cir (MM 338)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Behrens Cir (MM 338) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from Crest (MM 341) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Northbound from Ross (MM 346) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Northbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Northbound from Crest (MM 341) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from County Road 3111 (MM 362) to County Road 3103 (MM 363)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Northbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to I-35E Northbound at I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Northbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from Ross (MM 346) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Northbound from cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from 18th St (MM 334) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Crest (MM 341) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from 12th St (MM 334) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Southbound from Loop 340-North to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Behrens Cir (MM 338)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Loop 340-North
I-35 Southbound from Behrens Cir (MM 338) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to SH-45 Northbound at Turnersville
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Southbound from Berger to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Berger (MM 305)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Las Casas
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Craven (MM 340)
I-35 Southbound from Craven (MM 340) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Southbound from Craven (MM 340) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from US-84 (MM 337) to US-77 (MM 336)
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Valley Mills (MM 333)
I-35 Southbound from Berger (MM 305) to Loop-363 Southbound at I-35 North Frontage Road
I-35 Southbound from Berger (MM 305) to Loop-363 Westbound at North Railroad Overpass
I-35 Southbound from Valley Mills (MM 333) to New Road (MM 332)
I-35 Southbound from New Road (MM 332) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from 13th St (MM 334) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Southbound from US-84 (MM 337) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Stassney Ln (MM 230)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from University Parks (MM 336) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from US-84 (MM 337) to University Parks (MM 336)
I-35 Southbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Berger
I-35 Southbound from Berger (MM 305) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Berger to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Berger to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from Las Casas to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Las Casas to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Loop-340 Southbound at Loop 340-North
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Loop-363 Southbound at I-35 North Frontage Road
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 to US-77Business Southbound at Crest
I-35 Southbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Southbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Loop-340 Southbound at Williams
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Loop-340 Southbound at Williams
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Loop-340 Southbound at Williams
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Loop-340 Southbound at I-35
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Southbound from US-77 (MM 336) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Southbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Amity (MM 287) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to County Road 3103 (MM 363)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2115 (MM 282) to Prairie Dell (MM 280)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Prairie Dell (MM 280) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to SH-195 (MM 266)
I-35 Southbound from 12th St (MM 334) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Southbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Southbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to Prairie Dell (MM 280)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3111 (MM 362) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Ross (MM 346) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to SH-195 (MM 266)
I-35 Southbound from Amity (MM 287) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Ross (MM 346) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to SH-29 (MM 260)
I-35 Southbound from SH-29 (MM 260) to FM-1431 (MM 256)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1431 (MM 256) to US-79 (MM 253)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Southbound from US-79 (MM 253) to SH-45 (MM 250)
I-35 Southbound from SH-45 (MM 250) to Parmer Ln (MM 246)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from Parmer Ln (MM 246) to Braker Ln (MM 243)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from Braker Ln (MM 243) to US-183/US-290 (MM 240)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from US-183/US-290 (MM 240) to Airport Blvd (MM 238)
I-35 Southbound from Airport Blvd (MM 238) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Southbound from Ross (MM 346) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Riverside Dr (MM 234)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from Riverside Dr (MM 234) to Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to Buda (MM 222)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Buda (MM 222) to Kyle (MM 213)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Southbound from Kyle (MM 213) to River Ridge Parkway (MM 208)
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from River Ridge Parkway (MM 208) to Wonder World Dr (MM 203)
I-35 Southbound from Amity (MM 287) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Wonder World Dr (MM 203) to Conrads Rd (MM 193)
I-35 Southbound from Conrads Rd (MM 193) to New Braunfels South (MM 182)
I-35 Southbound from New Braunfels South (MM 182) to Loop-1604 North (MM 172)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35E Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to Milford (MM 381)
I-35E Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35E Northbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to Milford (MM 381)
I-35E Northbound from Milford (MM 381) to Forreston (MM 391)
I-35E Southbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to I-35 Southbound at FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35E Southbound from Milford (MM 381) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35E Southbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to I-35 Southbound at Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35E Southbound from Forreston (MM 391) to Milford (MM 381)
I-35E Southbound from Milford (MM 381) to I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35E Southbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35W Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to FM-66 (MM 8)
I-35W Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to FM-2959 (MM 3)
I-35W Northbound from FM-2959 (MM 3) to FM-66 (MM 8)
I-35W Northbound from FM-66 (MM 8) to Grandview (MM 15)
I-35W Northbound from Grandview (MM 15) to Alvarado (MM 26)
I-35W Southbound from FM-66 (MM 8) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35W Southbound from Alvarado (MM 26) to Grandview (MM 15)
I-35W Southbound from Grandview (MM 15) to FM-66 (MM 8)
I-35W Southbound from FM-66 (MM 8) to FM-2959 (MM 3)
I-35W Southbound from FM-2959 (MM 3) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
Lake Air Northbound from US-84 to Valley Mills
Lake Air Southbound from Valley Mills to US-84
Lakeshore Eastbound from 19th to FM-933
Lakeshore Eastbound from Park Lake to 19th
Lakeshore Westbound from FM-933 to 19th
Lakeshore Westbound from 19th to Park Lake
Lakeshore Dr Northbound from Cobbs Dr to Park Lake
Lakeshore Dr Southbound from Park Lake to Cobbs Dr
Loop-340 Eastbound from FM-933 to I-35 North
Loop-340 Northbound from I-35 South to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Northbound from Williams to I-35 North
Loop-340 Northbound from SH-6 to Williams
Loop-340 Northbound from SH-6 to Kendall
Loop-340 Northbound from Kendall to Williams
Loop-340 Northbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 North
Loop-340 Northbound from Loop 340-North to I-35 Northbound at Ross (MM 346)
Loop-340 Northbound from I-35 to US-77Business Northbound at Crest
Loop-340 Northbound from Old Robinson Road to US-77
Loop-340 Northbound from US-77 to SH-6
Loop-340 Northbound from Williams to I-35 Northbound at Meyers Ln (MM 339)
Loop-340 Northbound from I-35 to I-35 Northbound at Crest (MM 341)
Loop-340 Southbound from I-35 North to Williams
Loop-340 Southbound from Williams to SH-6
Loop-340 Southbound from Williams to Kendall
Loop-340 Southbound from Kendall to SH-6
Loop-340 Southbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 Southbound at FM-2063 (MM 328)
Loop-340 Southbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 South
Loop-340 Southbound from I-35 North to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Southbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 Southbound at FM-1695 (MM 325)
Loop-340 Southbound from US-77 to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Southbound from SH-6 to US-77
Loop-340 Southbound from Williams to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Westbound from I-35 North to FM-933
Loop-340 North Northbound from I-35 to I-35 Northbound at Meyers Ln (MM 339)
Loop-363 Eastbound from North Railroad Overpass to I-35 North Frontage Road
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 South Exit
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 South Exit to FM-2305
Loop-363 Northbound from FM-2305 to SH-36
Loop-363 Northbound from SH-36 to Eberhardt
Loop-363 Northbound from Eberhardt to North Railroad Overpass
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to I-35 Northbound at Berger (MM 305)
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 North Frontage Road
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to I-35 Northbound at Hillyard (MM 311)
Loop-363 Southbound from North Railroad Overpass to Eberhardt
Loop-363 Southbound from Eberhardt to SH-36
Loop-363 Southbound from SH-36 to FM-2305
Loop-363 Southbound from FM-2305 to I-35 South Exit
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 South Exit to I-35 South Frontage Road
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 Southbound at Midway Dr (MM 297)
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to I-35 South Frontage Road
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 Southbound at Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
Loop-363 Westbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to North Railroad Overpass
SH-130 Northbound from SH-183 to FM-812
SH-130 Northbound from FM-812 to SH-71
SH-130 Northbound from SH-71 to FM-969
SH-130 Northbound from FM-969 to Cameron
SH-130 Northbound from Cameron to SH-45 North
SH-130 Northbound from SH-45 North to US-79
SH-130 Northbound from US-79 to Chandler
SH-130 Northbound from Chandler to FM-971
SH-130 Northbound from FM-971 to I-35 North
SH-130 Northbound from FM-971 to I-35 Southbound at SH-29 (MM 260)
SH-130 Southbound from I-35 North to FM-971
SH-130 Southbound from FM-971 to Chandler
SH-130 Southbound from Chandler to US-79
SH-130 Southbound from US-79 to SH-45 North
SH-130 Southbound from SH-45 North to Cameron
SH-130 Southbound from Cameron to FM-969
SH-130 Southbound from FM-969 to SH-71
SH-130 Southbound from SH-71 to FM-812
SH-130 Southbound from FM-812 to SH-183
SH-171 Eastbound from Lamar to FM-1946
SH-171 Eastbound from FM-1946 to FM-308
SH-171 Westbound from FM-308 to FM-1946
SH-171 Westbound from FM-1946 to Lamar
SH-22 Eastbound from SH-81 to Lamar
SH-22 Westbound from Lamar to SH-81
SH-36 Eastbound from FM-317 to Research Pkwy
SH-36 Northbound from I-35 to Loop-363
SH-36 Northbound from Loop-363 to Research Pkwy
SH-36 Southbound from Research Pkwy to Loop-363
SH-36 Southbound from Loop-363 to I-35
SH-36 Westbound from Research Pkwy to FM-317
SH-45 Eastbound from I-35 to Turnersville
SH-45 Eastbound from Turnersville to SH-183
SH-45 Northbound from Turnersville to I-35 Northbound at Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
SH-45 Westbound from SH-183 to Turnersville
SH-45 Westbound from Turnersville to I-35
SH-45 North Eastbound from I-35 to SH-130
SH-45 North Westbound from SH-130 to I-35 Eastbound at SH-130
SH-81 Northbound from SH-22 to Elm
SH-81 Northbound from County Road 3103 to SH-22
SH-81 Northbound from SH-81 Split to I-35 Split
SH-81 Northbound from Elm to SH-81 Split
SH-81 Southbound from Elm to SH-22
SH-81 Southbound from I-35 Split to SH-81 Split
SH-81 Southbound from SH-81 Split to Elm
SH-81 Southbound from SH-22 to County Road 3103
US-190 Eastbound from Constitution to Bell Tower Rd
US-190 Eastbound from Bell Tower Rd to Roberts Rd
US-190 Eastbound from Roberts Rd to FM-3470
US-190 Eastbound from FM-3470 to Spur-2410
US-190 Eastbound from Spur-2410 to Loop-121
US-190 Eastbound from Loop-121 to I-35
US-190 Westbound from I-35 to Loop-121
US-190 Westbound from Loop-121 to Spur-2410
US-190 Westbound from Spur-2410 to FM-3470
US-190 Westbound from FM-3470 to Roberts Rd
US-190 Westbound from Roberts Rd to Bell Tower Rd
US-190 Westbound from Bell Tower Rd to Constitution
US-77 Northbound from Newland to Loop-340@Old Robinson Road
US-77 Northbound from Newland to I-35
US-77 Northbound from FM-3148 to Newland
US-77 Northbound from FM-2837 to FM-3148
US-77 Southbound from Loop-340@Old Robinson Road to Newland
US-77 Southbound from Newland to FM-3148
US-77 Southbound from I-35 to Newland
US-77 Southbound from FM-3148 to FM-2837
US-77 Westbound from FM-3148 to FM-2837 Westbound at EvelynDr
US-77Business Northbound from Crest to I-35 Northbound at FM-308
US-77Business Southbound from Crest to Loop-340 Southbound at I-35
US-84 Northbound from FM-317 to FM-2837
US-84 Northbound from FM-2837 to Lake Air
US-84 Northbound from Lake Air to 12th
US-84 Northbound from 12th to FM-933
US-84 Southbound from FM-2837 to FM-317
US-84 Southbound from Lake Air to FM-2837
US-84 Southbound from 12th to Lake Air
US-84 Southbound from FM-933 to 12th
Valley Mills Eastbound from Cobbs Dr to Lake Air
Valley Mills Eastbound from Lake Air to I-35
Valley Mills Westbound from Lake Air to Cobbs Dr
Valley Mills Westbound from I-35 to Lake Air
Start Date
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End Date
Show Historical Data
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FM-107 Eastbound from FM-317 to FM-2113
FM-107 Eastbound from FM-2113 to I-35
FM-107 Westbound from FM-2113 to FM-317
FM-107 Westbound from I-35 to FM-2113
FM-1670 Northbound from S End of Dam to US-190
FM-1670 Northbound from FM-2484 to S End of Dam
FM-1670 Southbound from US-190 to S End of Dam
FM-1670 Southbound from S End of Dam to FM-2484
FM-1858 Eastbound from FM-933 to FM-3149
FM-1858 Eastbound from FM-3149 to I-35
FM-1858 Westbound from I-35 to FM-3149
FM-1858 Westbound from FM-3149 to FM-933
FM-2113 Northbound from FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd) to Old Temple Highway
FM-2113 Northbound from Old Temple Highway to I-35
FM-2113 Northbound from FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd) to LW Hatter Trail
FM-2113 Northbound from FM-107 to LW Hatter Trail
FM-2113 Southbound from Old Temple Highway to FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd)
FM-2113 Southbound from I-35 to Old Temple Highway
FM-2113 Southbound from LW Hatter Trail to FM-2837 (Old Lorena Rd)
FM-2113 Southbound from LW Hatter Trail to FM-2117 Southbound at FM-107
FM-2484 Eastbound from FM-1670 to I-35
FM-2484 Westbound from I-35 to FM-1670
FM-2837 Eastbound from Evelyn Dr to US-77 Eastbound at FM-3148
FM-2837 Eastbound from Evelyn Dr to US-77
FM-2837 Northbound from FM-2113 to US-84
FM-2837 Southbound from FM-2113 to I-35 Southbound at FM-2837 (MM 322)
FM-2837 Southbound from US-84 to FM-2113
FM-2837 Westbound from US-77 to Evelyn Dr
FM-308 Eastbound from Old Leroy Rd to FM-2311
FM-308 Eastbound from FM-933 to Old Leroy Rd
FM-308 Northbound from FM-2311 to FM-2114
FM-308 Northbound from FM-2114 to SH-171
FM-308 Southbound from SH-171 to FM-2114
FM-308 Southbound from FM-2114 to FM-2311
FM-308 Westbound from FM-2311 to Old Leroy Rd
FM-308 Westbound from Old Leroy Rd to FM-933
FM-3148 Eastbound from I-35 to US-77
FM-3148 Westbound from US-77 to I-35
FM-317 Northbound from Franklin Rd to FM-107
FM-317 Northbound from SH-36 to Franklin Rd
FM-317 Northbound from FM-107 to Schmidt Ln
FM-317 Northbound from Schmidt Ln to US-84
FM-317 Southbound from Schmidt Ln to FM-107
FM-317 Southbound from US-84 to Schmidt Ln
FM-317 Southbound from Franklin Rd to SH-36
FM-317 Southbound from FM-107 to Franklin Rd
FM-933 Northbound from FM-308 to FM-1858
FM-933 Northbound from US-84 to Loop-340
FM-933 Northbound from Loop-340 to FM-308
FM-933 Southbound from FM-1858 to FM-308
FM-933 Southbound from Loop-340 to US-84
FM-933 Southbound from FM-308 to Loop-340
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-1604 North (MM 172) to New Braunfels South (MM 182)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from New Braunfels South (MM 182) to Conrads Rd (MM 193)
I-35 Northbound from Conrads Rd (MM 193) to Wonder World Dr (MM 203)
I-35 Northbound from Wonder World Dr (MM 203) to River Ridge Parkway (MM 208)
I-35 Northbound from River Ridge Parkway (MM 208) to Kyle (MM 213)
I-35 Northbound from Kyle (MM 213) to Buda (MM 222)
I-35 Northbound from Buda (MM 222) to Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to Riverside Dr (MM 234)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from Riverside Dr (MM 234) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Northbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Northbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Airport Blvd (MM 238)
I-35 Northbound from Airport Blvd (MM 238) to US-183/US-290 (MM 240)
I-35 Northbound from US-183/US-290 (MM 240) to Braker Ln (MM 243)
I-35 Northbound from Braker Ln (MM 243) to Parmer Ln (MM 246)
I-35 Northbound from Parmer Ln (MM 246) to SH-45 (MM 250)
I-35 Northbound from SH-45 (MM 250) to US-79 (MM 253)
I-35 Northbound from US-79 (MM 253) to FM-1431 (MM 256)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1431 (MM 256) to SH-29 (MM 260)
I-35 Northbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Loop 340-North
I-35 Northbound from SH-29 (MM 260) to SH-195 (MM 266)
I-35 Northbound from SH-29 (MM 260) to SH-130 Southbound at FM-971
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Loop-340 Northbound at Old Robinson Road
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to FM-2113 Northbound at Old Lorena Rd
I-35 Northbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to Berger
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from Las Casas to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to New Road (MM 332)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from New Road (MM 332) to Valley Mills (MM 333)
I-35 Northbound from Valley Mills (MM 333) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from US-77 (MM 336) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from US-84 (MM 337) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Craven (MM 340)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Craven (MM 340)
I-35 Northbound from Craven (MM 340) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Loop-363 Northbound at I-35 South Frontage Road
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to 13th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from US-84 (MM 337) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Stassney Ln (MM 230) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to University Parks (MM 336)
I-35 Northbound from University Parks (MM 336) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Berger
I-35 Northbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Berger (MM 305)
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from Prairie Dell (MM 280) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Ross (MM 346) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Las Casas
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Berger (MM 305)
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to Loop-363 Northbound at I-35 South Frontage Road
I-35 Northbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Loop-340 Northbound at Old Robinson Road
I-35 Northbound from Berger (MM 305) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from County Road 3111 (MM 362) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Northbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to I-35E Northbound at I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35 Northbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to I-35E Northbound at I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to US-77 (MM 336)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2115 (MM 282) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Northbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to Prairie Dell (MM 280)
I-35 Northbound from Prairie Dell (MM 280) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2115 (MM 282) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Northbound from Amity (MM 287) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Northbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Northbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Northbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Behrens Cir (MM 338)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Northbound from Behrens Cir (MM 338) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Northbound from Crest (MM 341) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Northbound from Ross (MM 346) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Northbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Northbound from Crest (MM 341) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from County Road 3111 (MM 362) to County Road 3103 (MM 363)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Northbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Northbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to I-35E Northbound at I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35 Northbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Northbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Northbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from Ross (MM 346) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Northbound from cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Northbound from 18th St (MM 334) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Northbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Northbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Northbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Northbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Northbound from Crest (MM 341) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Northbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Northbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Northbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from 12th St (MM 334) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Southbound from Loop 340-North to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Behrens Cir (MM 338)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Loop 340-North
I-35 Southbound from Behrens Cir (MM 338) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to SH-45 Northbound at Turnersville
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from 12th St (MM 334) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Southbound from Berger to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Berger (MM 305)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Las Casas
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Craven (MM 340)
I-35 Southbound from Craven (MM 340) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Southbound from Craven (MM 340) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from US-84 (MM 337) to US-77 (MM 336)
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to Valley Mills (MM 333)
I-35 Southbound from Berger (MM 305) to Loop-363 Southbound at I-35 North Frontage Road
I-35 Southbound from Berger (MM 305) to Loop-363 Westbound at North Railroad Overpass
I-35 Southbound from Valley Mills (MM 333) to New Road (MM 332)
I-35 Southbound from New Road (MM 332) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from 13th St (MM 334) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Meyers Ln (MM 339)
I-35 Southbound from US-84 (MM 337) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to US-84 (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Stassney Ln (MM 230)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from University Parks (MM 336) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from US-84 (MM 337) to University Parks (MM 336)
I-35 Southbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Berger
I-35 Southbound from Berger (MM 305) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Berger to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Berger to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from Las Casas to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Las Casas to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Loop-340 Southbound at Loop 340-North
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Loop-363 Southbound at I-35 North Frontage Road
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 to US-77Business Southbound at Crest
I-35 Southbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Southbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1695 (MM 325) to Hillyard (MM 311)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Loop-340 Southbound at Williams
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Loop-340 Southbound at Williams
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to Loop-340 Southbound at Williams
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to Loop-340 Southbound at I-35
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Southbound from US-77 (MM 336) to S 18th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Southbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Amity (MM 287) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to County Road 3103 (MM 363)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2115 (MM 282) to Prairie Dell (MM 280)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Prairie Dell (MM 280) to Hill Rd (MM 279)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Loop-340 (MM 330)
I-35 Southbound from Hill Rd (MM 279) to SH-195 (MM 266)
I-35 Southbound from 12th St (MM 334) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-1695 (MM 325)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Woodlawn Rd (MM 319) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1237 (MM 306) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3103 (MM 363) to County Road 3111 (MM 362)
I-35 Southbound from Hillyard (MM 311) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to Midway Dr (MM 297)
I-35 Southbound from Industrial Blvd (MM 303) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to Amity (MM 287)
I-35 Southbound from Tahuaya Rd (MM 289) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2484 (MM 286) to Prairie Dell (MM 280)
I-35 Southbound from County Road 3111 (MM 362) to FM-1304 (MM 359)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to FM-2063 (MM 328)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to North of Troy (MM 310)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2837 (MM 322) to SH-53 (MM 301)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to FM-2484 (MM 286)
I-35 Southbound from US-190 (MM 293) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Cooksey Ln (MM 324) to Woodlawn Rd (MM 319)
I-35 Southbound from Ross (MM 346) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to 12th St (MM 334)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35 Southbound from FM-2063 (MM 328) to FM-1237 (MM 306)
I-35 Southbound from North of Troy (MM 310) to Industrial Blvd (MM 303)
I-35 Southbound from Midway Dr (MM 297) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to SH-195 (MM 266)
I-35 Southbound from Amity (MM 287) to US-190 (MM 293)
I-35 Southbound from Ross (MM 346) to Bellmead (MM 337)
I-35 Southbound from Tokio Rd (MM 351) to Ross (MM 346)
I-35 Southbound from Loop-340 (MM 330) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from SH-195 (MM 266) to SH-29 (MM 260)
I-35 Southbound from SH-29 (MM 260) to FM-1431 (MM 256)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1431 (MM 256) to US-79 (MM 253)
I-35 Southbound from SH-53 (MM 301) to Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
I-35 Southbound from US-79 (MM 253) to SH-45 (MM 250)
I-35 Southbound from SH-45 (MM 250) to Parmer Ln (MM 246)
I-35 Southbound from Crest (MM 341) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from Parmer Ln (MM 246) to Braker Ln (MM 243)
I-35 Southbound from Meyers Ln (MM 339) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from Braker Ln (MM 243) to US-183/US-290 (MM 240)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from US-183/US-290 (MM 240) to Airport Blvd (MM 238)
I-35 Southbound from Airport Blvd (MM 238) to 5th St (MM 235)
I-35 Southbound from Ross (MM 346) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from 5th St (MM 235) to Riverside Dr (MM 234)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35 Southbound from Riverside Dr (MM 234) to Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
I-35 Southbound from FM-3267 (MM 367) to County Line Rd (MM 355)
I-35 Southbound from County Line Rd (MM 355) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Slaughter Ln (MM 227) to Buda (MM 222)
I-35 Southbound from FM-1304 (MM 359) to FM-308 (MM 343)
I-35 Southbound from Buda (MM 222) to Kyle (MM 213)
I-35 Southbound from Bellmead (MM 337) to Cooksey Ln (MM 324)
I-35 Southbound from Kyle (MM 213) to River Ridge Parkway (MM 208)
I-35 Southbound from S 18th St (MM 334) to FM-2837 (MM 322)
I-35 Southbound from River Ridge Parkway (MM 208) to Wonder World Dr (MM 203)
I-35 Southbound from Amity (MM 287) to FM-2115 (MM 282)
I-35 Southbound from Wonder World Dr (MM 203) to Conrads Rd (MM 193)
I-35 Southbound from Conrads Rd (MM 193) to New Braunfels South (MM 182)
I-35 Southbound from New Braunfels South (MM 182) to Loop-1604 North (MM 172)
I-35 Southbound from FM-308 (MM 343) to Crest (MM 341)
I-35E Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to Milford (MM 381)
I-35E Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35E Northbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to Milford (MM 381)
I-35E Northbound from Milford (MM 381) to Forreston (MM 391)
I-35E Southbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to I-35 Southbound at FM-3267 (MM 367)
I-35E Southbound from Milford (MM 381) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35E Southbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to I-35 Southbound at Tokio Rd (MM 351)
I-35E Southbound from Forreston (MM 391) to Milford (MM 381)
I-35E Southbound from Milford (MM 381) to I-35E/W Split (MM 370)
I-35E Southbound from I-35E/W Split (MM 370) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35W Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to FM-66 (MM 8)
I-35W Northbound from Hillsboro (MM 368) to FM-2959 (MM 3)
I-35W Northbound from FM-2959 (MM 3) to FM-66 (MM 8)
I-35W Northbound from FM-66 (MM 8) to Grandview (MM 15)
I-35W Northbound from Grandview (MM 15) to Alvarado (MM 26)
I-35W Southbound from FM-66 (MM 8) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
I-35W Southbound from Alvarado (MM 26) to Grandview (MM 15)
I-35W Southbound from Grandview (MM 15) to FM-66 (MM 8)
I-35W Southbound from FM-66 (MM 8) to FM-2959 (MM 3)
I-35W Southbound from FM-2959 (MM 3) to Hillsboro (MM 368)
Lake Air Northbound from US-84 to Valley Mills
Lake Air Southbound from Valley Mills to US-84
Lakeshore Eastbound from 19th to FM-933
Lakeshore Eastbound from Park Lake to 19th
Lakeshore Westbound from FM-933 to 19th
Lakeshore Westbound from 19th to Park Lake
Lakeshore Dr Northbound from Cobbs Dr to Park Lake
Lakeshore Dr Southbound from Park Lake to Cobbs Dr
Loop-340 Eastbound from FM-933 to I-35 North
Loop-340 Northbound from I-35 South to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Northbound from Williams to I-35 North
Loop-340 Northbound from SH-6 to Williams
Loop-340 Northbound from SH-6 to Kendall
Loop-340 Northbound from Kendall to Williams
Loop-340 Northbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 North
Loop-340 Northbound from Loop 340-North to I-35 Northbound at Ross (MM 346)
Loop-340 Northbound from I-35 to US-77Business Northbound at Crest
Loop-340 Northbound from Old Robinson Road to US-77
Loop-340 Northbound from US-77 to SH-6
Loop-340 Northbound from Williams to I-35 Northbound at Meyers Ln (MM 339)
Loop-340 Northbound from I-35 to I-35 Northbound at Crest (MM 341)
Loop-340 Southbound from I-35 North to Williams
Loop-340 Southbound from Williams to SH-6
Loop-340 Southbound from Williams to Kendall
Loop-340 Southbound from Kendall to SH-6
Loop-340 Southbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 Southbound at FM-2063 (MM 328)
Loop-340 Southbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 South
Loop-340 Southbound from I-35 North to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Southbound from Old Robinson Road to I-35 Southbound at FM-1695 (MM 325)
Loop-340 Southbound from US-77 to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Southbound from SH-6 to US-77
Loop-340 Southbound from Williams to Old Robinson Road
Loop-340 Westbound from I-35 North to FM-933
Loop-340 North Northbound from I-35 to I-35 Northbound at Meyers Ln (MM 339)
Loop-363 Eastbound from North Railroad Overpass to I-35 North Frontage Road
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 South Exit
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 South Exit to FM-2305
Loop-363 Northbound from FM-2305 to SH-36
Loop-363 Northbound from SH-36 to Eberhardt
Loop-363 Northbound from Eberhardt to North Railroad Overpass
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to I-35 Northbound at Berger (MM 305)
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 North Frontage Road
Loop-363 Northbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to I-35 Northbound at Hillyard (MM 311)
Loop-363 Southbound from North Railroad Overpass to Eberhardt
Loop-363 Southbound from Eberhardt to SH-36
Loop-363 Southbound from SH-36 to FM-2305
Loop-363 Southbound from FM-2305 to I-35 South Exit
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 South Exit to I-35 South Frontage Road
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 Southbound at Midway Dr (MM 297)
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to I-35 South Frontage Road
Loop-363 Southbound from I-35 South Frontage Road to I-35 Southbound at Tahuaya Rd (MM 289)
Loop-363 Westbound from I-35 North Frontage Road to North Railroad Overpass
SH-130 Northbound from SH-183 to FM-812
SH-130 Northbound from FM-812 to SH-71
SH-130 Northbound from SH-71 to FM-969
SH-130 Northbound from FM-969 to Cameron
SH-130 Northbound from Cameron to SH-45 North
SH-130 Northbound from SH-45 North to US-79
SH-130 Northbound from US-79 to Chandler
SH-130 Northbound from Chandler to FM-971
SH-130 Northbound from FM-971 to I-35 North
SH-130 Northbound from FM-971 to I-35 Southbound at SH-29 (MM 260)
SH-130 Southbound from I-35 North to FM-971
SH-130 Southbound from FM-971 to Chandler
SH-130 Southbound from Chandler to US-79
SH-130 Southbound from US-79 to SH-45 North
SH-130 Southbound from SH-45 North to Cameron
SH-130 Southbound from Cameron to FM-969
SH-130 Southbound from FM-969 to SH-71
SH-130 Southbound from SH-71 to FM-812
SH-130 Southbound from FM-812 to SH-183
SH-171 Eastbound from Lamar to FM-1946
SH-171 Eastbound from FM-1946 to FM-308
SH-171 Westbound from FM-308 to FM-1946
SH-171 Westbound from FM-1946 to Lamar
SH-22 Eastbound from SH-81 to Lamar
SH-22 Westbound from Lamar to SH-81
SH-36 Eastbound from FM-317 to Research Pkwy
SH-36 Northbound from I-35 to Loop-363
SH-36 Northbound from Loop-363 to Research Pkwy
SH-36 Southbound from Research Pkwy to Loop-363
SH-36 Southbound from Loop-363 to I-35
SH-36 Westbound from Research Pkwy to FM-317
SH-45 Eastbound from I-35 to Turnersville
SH-45 Eastbound from Turnersville to SH-183
SH-45 Northbound from Turnersville to I-35 Northbound at Slaughter Ln (MM 227)
SH-45 Westbound from SH-183 to Turnersville
SH-45 Westbound from Turnersville to I-35
SH-45 North Eastbound from I-35 to SH-130
SH-45 North Westbound from SH-130 to I-35 Eastbound at SH-130
SH-81 Northbound from SH-22 to Elm
SH-81 Northbound from County Road 3103 to SH-22
SH-81 Northbound from SH-81 Split to I-35 Split
SH-81 Northbound from Elm to SH-81 Split
SH-81 Southbound from Elm to SH-22
SH-81 Southbound from I-35 Split to SH-81 Split
SH-81 Southbound from SH-81 Split to Elm
SH-81 Southbound from SH-22 to County Road 3103
US-190 Eastbound from Constitution to Bell Tower Rd
US-190 Eastbound from Bell Tower Rd to Roberts Rd
US-190 Eastbound from Roberts Rd to FM-3470
US-190 Eastbound from FM-3470 to Spur-2410
US-190 Eastbound from Spur-2410 to Loop-121
US-190 Eastbound from Loop-121 to I-35
US-190 Westbound from I-35 to Loop-121
US-190 Westbound from Loop-121 to Spur-2410
US-190 Westbound from Spur-2410 to FM-3470
US-190 Westbound from FM-3470 to Roberts Rd
US-190 Westbound from Roberts Rd to Bell Tower Rd
US-190 Westbound from Bell Tower Rd to Constitution
US-77 Northbound from Newland to Loop-340@Old Robinson Road
US-77 Northbound from Newland to I-35
US-77 Northbound from FM-3148 to Newland
US-77 Northbound from FM-2837 to FM-3148
US-77 Southbound from Loop-340@Old Robinson Road to Newland
US-77 Southbound from Newland to FM-3148
US-77 Southbound from I-35 to Newland
US-77 Southbound from FM-3148 to FM-2837
US-77 Westbound from FM-3148 to FM-2837 Westbound at EvelynDr
US-77Business Northbound from Crest to I-35 Northbound at FM-308
US-77Business Southbound from Crest to Loop-340 Southbound at I-35
US-84 Northbound from FM-317 to FM-2837
US-84 Northbound from FM-2837 to Lake Air
US-84 Northbound from Lake Air to 12th
US-84 Northbound from 12th to FM-933
US-84 Southbound from FM-2837 to FM-317
US-84 Southbound from Lake Air to FM-2837
US-84 Southbound from 12th to Lake Air
US-84 Southbound from FM-933 to 12th
Valley Mills Eastbound from Cobbs Dr to Lake Air
Valley Mills Eastbound from Lake Air to I-35
Valley Mills Westbound from Lake Air to Cobbs Dr
Valley Mills Westbound from I-35 to Lake Air
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